Detecting Dysarthria in Preschoolers

The SMILe Lab at Northeastern University is looking for children ages 3-5 with and without speech delays/disorders to participate in a research study aimed at detecting dysarthria in preschool aged children. 



Interested in learning more?

13 + 15 =

Why are we doing this research?

Our goal is to understand how speech movements of young children with speech delays or disorders differ from kids with typical speech development, in order to improve assessment and treatment of childhood speech disorders. If eligible, your child will be asked to say some words and sentences while we track the movement to their mouth using reflective markers.  You will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card, and your child will be able to pick out a small prize for participating. Fill out the form above to schedule a time to visit our Northeastern Lab to participate!



Children between the ages of 3 and 5 who meet the following criteria are eligible for this study:

  • Speak English as a primary language.
  • Have no reported hearing loss
  • Are within traveling distance of Boston, Massachusetts
  • Are able to repeat words and short sentences (at least 2-3 words in length)

(Note: we will cover parking costs for families to park in a campus garage or handicap accessible lot. We cannot reimburse families for other travel costs or lodging.)

What will participants be asked to do in this study and what will they receive for participating?

The study will take place in 1 session, lasting about 2 hours total. Children will play listening and speaking games with the researcher, and their speech will be recorded. Parents will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about their child’s history.

Families will receive a $20 Amazon gift cards for participating, and children will be able to choose a small age-appropriate prize. Parents will also receive a written summary of their child’s visit.

Parking at the university will be paid for.